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24.Juli 2018 um 17:30 UhrLainzerstraße 6, 1130 Wien
Anmeldung Kinderwunsch Infoabend

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Was unsere Patienten sagen

Kann man nur empfehlen

S.g. Team!

Durch Ihre hervorragende Leistung dürfen wir jetzt stolze Eltern von zwei süßen Töchtern sein. Herzlichen Dank! Danke auch für die liebevolle Betreuung. MfG B.P.

Sehr geehrte Dr. Käfer!

Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Sie und Ihre Kolleginnen (Fr. Dr. Flich, u. Fr. Dr. Fischelmeier) für die Betreuung. C.R.-U.

Liebes Feichtinger Team!

Am 12.6. konnten wir endlich unser lang ersehntes Wunschkind, dank eurer Hilfe, in unsere Arme schließen. B. und seine Eltern sowie seine große Schwester danken nochmals für die kompetente Betreuung. Vielen Dank Familie B./D.

Kinderwunsch: Kostenlose Fruchtbarkeitstests zur Bestimmung der Eizellreserve

Das Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger möchte im Monat des Weltfrauentages und dem Endometriose Awareness Monat die Fertilität von Frauen verstärkt ins Bewusstsein rufen. Vor allem soll der Fokus auf der Vorsorge liegen. Anlässlich des 40-jährigen Jubiläums des WIF bietet das Institut 40 Frauen jeweils in Wien und Baden an, ihre Eierstockreserve anhand des Anti-Müller-Hormons (AMH) kostenlos prüfen zu lassen. Unterstützt wird das Angebot von labors.at. Unter dem AMH verstehen wir ein Hormon, welches von Eibläschen produziert wird, die im Eierstock darauf warten, reif zu werden. Jede Frau wird mit ihrer Eierstockreserve geboren, die dann im Laufe ihres Lebens bis zur Menopause niedriger wird. Diese Eizellreserve wird mit dem AMH widergespiegelt. Mit dem  AMH-Wert können wir auf die Eizellreserve schließen.Wenn Paare längere Zeit versuchen, Ihr Wunschbaby auf natürlichem Weg zu bekommen und es nicht funktioniert, kann mithilfe des AMH-Wertes die Eierstockreserve eingeschätzt werden. Aber, auch Frauen, die keinen aktuellen Kinderwunsch haben, können durch die Bestimmung des AMH-Wertes mehr über ihren Eizellstatus erfahren. In der herausfordernden Situation Karriere und Familienplanung zu planen kann das Bewusstsein um die eigene Fruchtbarkeit für viele Frauen behilflich sein.Das AMH liefert uns die wichtige Information, wie voll die Eierstöcke sind und wieviel Zeit noch bleibt, um den Kinderwunsch zu erfüllen. Sollte eine geringe Eierstockreserve bei nicht akutem Kinderwunsch bestehen, kann eine Frau ihre Eizellen einfrieren lassen, um später den Traum von ihrem Wunschbaby zu erfüllen. Wir vom Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger haben uns deswegen entschieden, ein Zeichen zu setzen und im Sinne der Frauengesundheit im März gratis Anti-Müller-Hormon Tests anzubieten, um hier ein Bewusstsein zu schaffen. Besonders Frauen mit Endometriose sollten ihren AMH-Status prüfen lassen, vor allem wenn bereits Operationen mit Eingriffen an den Eierstöcken vollzogen wurden. Auch bei Frauen mit einem PCO-Syndrom kann mithilfe des AMH der Schweregrad der Erkrankung erfasst werden.Die Gruppenpraxis labors.at ist mit neun Standorten in Wien eines der größten privat geführten medizinischen Labore Ost-Österreichs und bietet eine Vielzahl an Laboruntersuchungen aus einer Hand: von Blutproben über Abstriche bis hin zu Genanalysen und mikrobiologischen Untersuchungen.„Wir freuen uns als langjähriger Kooperationspartner das Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger bei den kostenlosen AMH-Checks zu unterstützen. Als labors.at werten wir laufend Hormonstatus aus. Das AMH zu bestimmen ist heute state of the art bei der Kinderwunschabklärung und gehört seit vielen Jahren zu unserer täglichen Arbeit“, so die Facharzt:innen von labors.at. Der AMH-Check wird heuer im Rahmen des 40-jährigen Jubiläums des Wunschbaby Instituts Feichtinger angeboten. Ab 8. März, dem Weltfrauentag, können 40 Frauen in Wien und 40 Frauen in Baden zwischen 18 und 40 Jahren nach telefonischer oder E-Mail-Anmeldung ihren Fruchtbarkeitsstatus im WIF checken lassen. Die Termine werden nach den zeitlichen Möglichkeiten und der Verfügbarkeit der MitarbeiterInnen vergeben. Mehr Information auf dieser Seite.

Lesen Sie mehr
In vitro Fertilisation - Künstliche Befruchtung

IVF - In Vitro Fertilization (assisted reproduction)

What do IVF and ICSI mean?

In the IVF method, around 100,000 sperm are introduced to each egg cell. The best, most vital sperm naturally makes its own way into the oocyte.


IVF is the preferred conventional method for assisted reproduction in patients with endometriosis, PCOS, or obstructed fallopian tubes AND the male partner has a normal sperm analysis.

Success rates

The chance of successfully becoming pregnant with the assistance of IVF is about 30-40% per cycle, dependent on the age of the individual partners, hormonal balances, the presence of underlying diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) and lifestyle factors (being overweight, stress, nicotine and excessive alcohol consumption, etc.).

How IVF works

The seven steps of IVF-treatment:

  1. Hormonal stimulation of the ovaries
  2. Follicular puncture
  3. Collection of semen
  4. Fertilization through IVF
  5. Embryo transfer
  6. Assisted laser hatching
  7. Nidation phase

1. Hormonal stimulation of the ovaries

Treatment with IVF (in-vitro fertilization) or ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) nearly always (with very few exceptions) takes place after hormonal stimulation of the ovaries. The goal of hormonal therapy is to increase the number of maturing follicles in both ovaries to obtain several fertile eggs.

A preparatory phase (“down-regulation”) is intended to prepare the body for the actual stimulation by suppressing the body's own hormone production or release. This so-called "down-regulation" can take place either by applying daily injections under the skin (subcutaneous) or through oral intake of certain medications. The advantage of the preparatory phase is that controlling the stimulation phase becomes far easier.

FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) are used in their pure hormonal form or combined for the subsequent stimulation of the ovaries. Throughout the hormonal treatment, a specific dose (dependent on weight, age, etc.) is administered daily at the same time every day through subcutaneous injections.

The use of these medications and how they are applied will be explained in detail when starting treatment. The injection of these medications will be demonstrated so that patients and/or their partners can inject themselves daily, so that daily visits to the doctor are not necessary.

The number of follicles, the course of their growth, and the development of the uterine lining will be closely observed per ultrasound. Once the follicles reach a certain size, ovulation will be triggered using the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This technique helps determine the optimal time for egg cell retrieval—namely, shortly before ovulation.

2. Follicular puncture

The egg cells are removed through transvaginal extraction (through the vagina) under ultrasound guidance 36 hours after the application of the “ovulation stimulating shot”. A needle is first used to focus the follicles under ultrasound guidance, and then to puncture and collect the follicular fluid containing the egg cells (oocytes). Afterward, the egg cells are separated from the follicular fluid under microscopic view and transferred to a special culture medium and placed in an incubator at 37°C.

On average, the follicular puncture only lasts 5-15 minutes, depending on the number of follicles. In order to make the procedure more comfortable, our patients receive a combination of sleep and pain medication. The follicular puncture is performed on an outpatient basis, and a post-procedural 1-2-hour observational period in our relaxation rooms is necessary afterward.

3. The semen collection

The semen is obtained on the day of the follicular puncture through masturbation after 2-3 days of abstinence (no ejaculation). This is sometimes difficult, especially when “ordered” to do so, or due to stress/time pressure. Therefore, in seldom circumstances, it is also possible to bring the semen sample from home. It should be noted, however, that the period between semen collection and delivery of the sample to the institute cannot exceed two hours.

4. Fertilization: conventional IVF method

The fertilization of the extracted egg cells happens on the same day as they were retrieved. The sperm and the egg cells are brought together in a small bowl using a special preparation technique, which allows the fertilization process to take place in a "natural" way. The next day, a microscopic examination is performed to see how many of the egg cells show signs of fertilization (for example, if two pronuclei and two polar bodies are formed).

Kinderwunsch - Embryotransfer bei In Vitro Fertilisation

5. The embryo transfer

2-5 days after fertilization, the embryo is brought into the uterus using a thin, flexible plastic tube (catheter) under ultrasound guidance. Which day the embryo transfer will take place on is dependent on the number of fertilized eggs. If 1-4 egg cells are successfully fertilized, then they are usually transferred to the uterus 2-3 days after the follicular puncture. During the 2-3 days, the embryos are assessed daily regarding their development (cell division) and other specific requirements, such as cell division rates and consistency of cell division. The embryos with the best quality are selected for transfer.

If there are five or more embryos, then the transfer is performed five days after fertilization, which is referred to as a blastocyst transfer. A blastocyst is the furthest stage of development that can take place outside of the human body. If more than five embryos of top-quality are available for transfer, then these can be frozen.

The transfer of the embryos into the uterus only lasts a few minutes and is usually painless. We advise our patients to relax in our relaxation rooms for 20-30 minutes afterward.

6. Assisted Laser Hatching (ALH)

The egg cell and the embryo are surrounded by a solid shell, the so-called zona pellucida. When the embryo reaches the blastocyst stage, it must hatch out of this shell in order to implant itself in the uterus. Sometimes, however, this sheath is "hardened" or thicker than average, which makes implantation more difficult or even impossible. When this happens, the incision of the zona pellucida using a laser makes it easier/possible for the growing embryo to "hatch" and thus implant itself into the uterine lining.

7. Nidation phase (Implantation phase, Luteal Phase)

With the follicular puncture begins the second half of the menstrual cycle, the so-called luteal phase. Throughout this phase, the hormones produced by the corpus luteum are supported using medication, to ensure that the endometrium is optimally prepared for the implantation of the embryo. The medication used in the luteal phase can be applied as intramuscular depot injections, taken orally, or through vaginal suppositories.

The earliest that a pregnancy can be determined is two weeks after fertilization of the oocytes through the detection of the pregnancy hormone hCG in the blood or urine. If the pregnancy test results are positive, support of the luteal phase is continued until the 12th week of pregnancy.

The path to receiving your dream child starts here!

We’ll take the rest of the journey together.

1. Choose your preferred Institute:

Katja Strnad
Administration & Reception

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger

Ulrike Kaindl
Administration & Reception

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger


2. Enter your contact information

I was very satisfied with the treatment. The team is always striving to do their best. The waits are short. We felt very well taken care of.

Relaxing Atmosphere: An Institute with a relaxing atmosphere, very friendly, compassionate care. Highly recommend.

I would highly recommend this Institute to everyone: you don’t feel like a patient, all the employees are engaged and are excited for you. It’s a great feeling to receive so much support.

My doctor provided excellent guidance from our first meeting until successful pregnancy. I was able to call her at all hours of the day, and if I couldn’t reach her per phone, then I could always send her an E-mail.

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger Vienna

Unser Institut in Wien erreichen Sie unter
01 877 77 75

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger Baden

Unser Institut in Baden erreichen Sie unter
02252 206857