Kostenloser Infoabend

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24.Juli 2018 um 17:30 UhrLainzerstraße 6, 1130 Wien
Anmeldung Kinderwunsch Infoabend

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+43/1/877 77 75

Was unsere Patienten sagen

Herzliche Grüße ...

... und ein großes Dankeschön für die fruchtbare Behandlung. Familie D

Sehr bemüht

Ich bin seit Anfang Dez. 2019 in Behandlung. Hr. Priv.Doz. Feichtinger sowie alle anderen Ärzte und das ganze Team hat sich um mich sehr bemüht, bin sofort schwanger geworden. Mein Wunsch ist das erste Mal in Erfüllung gegangen. Kann euch Priv.Doz. DDr. Feichtinger nur weiterempfehlen.

Nur 1 befruchtetes Ei beim 1. Versuch ...

... und schon ein Volltreffer! Danke an das hervorragende Team für die einfühlsame Behandlung.

Liebe Fr. Dr. Fischlmaier!

Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen und Ihre Unterstützung. Nur dadurch dürfen wir dieses Wunder erleben. Familie I.

Kostenlose Kinderwunsch-Orientierungsgespräche ab Mai

Daher finden bis auf weiteres keine Infoabende statt, welche normalerweise in Gruppen mit mehreren Personen abgehalten werden.Ab Anfang Mai können Sie jedoch wieder unsere kostenlosen Orientierungsgespräche wahrnehmen. Diese Gespräche sind persönlich und werden nicht in einer Gruppe geführt, daher sind Sie bestmöglich davor geschützt, nicht mit fremden Menschen in Kontakt zu kommen.Wir legen höchsten Wert auf Ihre persönliche und unsere Gesundheit! Sollten Sie Anzeichen von Erkrankungserscheinungen haben, nehmen Sie bitte vorab telefonisch Kontakt mit unserem Ärzteteam auf.Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Besuch beim nächsten Orientierungsabend! Die Anmeldung dazu finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

Lesen Sie mehr
Kinderwunsch - Vom Wunsch zum Baby

The desire to have children:
A collaboration between body and soul

When a couple decides to have a child together, it is an expression of deep mutual affection and trust in the relationship.

A shared dream of having children means more than simply strengthening of the bond in the relationship:

It a sign that both partners are ready for this gift, which will play an enriching and central and central role in your lives. If the desire to have kids remains unfulfilled, however, it can inflict serious strain on the relationship; making you often question the relevance of achieving this common life goal. It often takes time for a couple to contact their doctor or seek assistance from experts when experiencing difficulties getting pregnant. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to be persuaded by our experience and support.

You are not alone! You have already taken a very important step by informing yourself and taking advantage of the professional services offered by our clinic. You can rest assured that our team of physicians, laboratory technicians, and assistants will exhaust every possibility in order to make your wish come true.

We guarantee that you’ll receive the newest and best treatment that medicine has to offer. However, it is also important to us that you are aware that we cannot necessarily guarantee a successful pregnancy. Regardless, our goal is to instore confidence. Human nature is not entirely predictable, but rather a comprehensive interaction between body and soul. Thanks to years of observation and expertise, we know how positively a confident and self-reliant attitude can influence the success of a pregnancy. You play a vital role in the journey the that you’ll be taking together with your dream child.

That’s why we want to actively strengthen your confidence, energy, and resources.

Once you’ve decided to undergo treatment at our institute, you’ll receive comprehensive advice and counsel during a personal consultation. Together, we’ll analyze your situation and suggest every potential method that is best suited to your needs.

The Journey

To us humans, the decision to have children is equated with happiness and love. For many couples, children are the living embodiment of the love that the relationship fosters, making the relationship feel complete.

However, more and more couples are proving that the fulfilment of the desire to have children is not as easy as it would appear. The continued absence of offspring can to a perpetual rise of pain and stress in couples.

The fear of being defined as “infertile”, “fruitless” or “barren” prevents many couples from seeking medical assistance.

Today, however, unwanted childlessness must no longer be accepted as “fate”. Through a series of relatively painless examinations and diagnostical test, the causes of infertility can be successfully diagnosed and treated.

Under certain circumstance, simple cycle-monitoring or intrauterine insemination (IUI) (requirement: open fallopian tubes and normal semen analysis) suffice. In other circumstances, the couple may decide to have fertilization outside of the body (IVF/ICSI).

In addition to state-of-the-art technology, high-quality standards, and our many years of clinical experience in this sensitive field; we find that the personal and compassionate care of couples in a relaxed and safe atmosphere contributes to the success of treatment.

It is of the utmost importance for us to accompany every single couple on their journey to fulfill their dreams, and we strive to do so in the best way possible.

Further information and all details regarding treatment can be found in the rubric “Causes and Methods”.

The path to receiving your dream child starts here!

We’ll take the rest of the journey together.

1. Choose your preferred Institute:

Katja Strnad
Administration & Reception

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger

Ulrike Kaindl
Administration & Reception

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger


2. Enter your contact information

I was very satisfied with the treatment. The team is always striving to do their best. The waits are short. We felt very well taken care of.

Relaxing Atmosphere: An Institute with a relaxing atmosphere, very friendly, compassionate care. Highly recommend.

I would highly recommend this Institute to everyone: you don’t feel like a patient, all the employees are engaged and are excited for you. It’s a great feeling to receive so much support.

My doctor provided excellent guidance from our first meeting until successful pregnancy. I was able to call her at all hours of the day, and if I couldn’t reach her per phone, then I could always send her an E-mail.

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger Vienna

Unser Institut in Wien erreichen Sie unter
01 877 77 75

Wunschbaby Institut Feichtinger Baden

Unser Institut in Baden erreichen Sie unter
02252 206857